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Thursday, May 7, 2020




1.  Savings on consumption – 10 – 20%

2.  Accumulative Performance Bonus – 5 - 20%

3.  Director Bonus – 14%

4.  Leadership Overriding Bonus – 15%

5.  Travel Fund – 3%

6.  Car Fund – 5%

7.  House Fund – 3%

1. Savings on Consumption 10 - 20%
As a distributor, you save this amount as the difference between MRP and Distributor Price. Vestige offers a saving of up to 20% on most of the products.
The following example helps explain the saving.
Distributor Price + Saving = MRP
Rs.100                + Rs. 20 = 120

2. Accumulative Performance Bonus 5-20%
A distributor has to qualify for getting the performance bonuses and is entitled to earn the bonuses according to the level qualified. Vestige offers very rewarding performance bonuses, which are amongst the best in the world of direct selling. To earn this performance bonus, the qualifying level of Point Value (PV) has to be accumulated.

Accumulative Performance Bonus (APB) Schedule — 5-20%

To receive performance bonus for a given business month, distributors must do personal purchase (at distributor price) of the following value in the business month:
a) Distributors who earn up to 17% payout - 20 PV
b) Distributors who earn 20% payout -         40 PV

3. Director Bonus (DB) 14%
Vestige allocates 14% of the Company's monthly PV as Director Bonus (DB). This is computed by a “Point Sharing System” based on the Director Bonus points earned by the qualifiers. DB Point value varies each business month and is computed monthly as per the formula shown below:

14% of Company’s monthly PV 
Total DB points collected   = DB point value

Let's assume that you have a downline A who has further sponsored downline B.Downline B does a PGPV of 10,001You and your downline A have a PGPV of 2,001 each in this particular business month.

YOU Self Purchase (SP) 40PV    - 2,001 PGPV   6% = 120.06 points
A       Self Purchase (SP) 40PV    - 2,001 PGPV   5% = 100.05 points
B       Self Purchase (SP) 40PV    - 10,001 PGPV 4% = 400.04 points

As a qualified Silver Director you are now entitled for Director Bonus as shown below:
6% on PGPV=  2,001 X 6%  =   120.06 points
5% on PGPV of Director A  = 2,001 X 5%  =   100.05 points
4% on PGPV of Director B  =  10,001 X 4%  =   400.04 points
Total points collected  =  120.06 + 100.05 + 400.04 =  620.15 points

14% of Company’s Monthly PV  =   2,62,500
Total DB points Collected   =   3,08,824
= 0.85 (This is the Value of DB point)
Total points collected 620.15 are multiplied by 0.85 (Point Value) which is equivalent to Rs 527.13 x 18 = Rs 9488.30 which you get as Director bonus in addition to the performance bonus.

Similarly, Downline A earns Distributor Bonus points in the following manner.6% on PGPV= 2,001 x 6%  = 120.06 points.5% on PGPV of Director B  = 10,001 x 5%  = 500.05  points.Total points collected by Distributor A = 620.11 x 0.85 (point value) x 18 = Rs. 9,487.68 as Director BonusDistributor B is also entitled to director Bonus and will get 6% points on the PGPV generated by his group and gets 6% of 10,001=  600.06 points x 0.85 (Point Value) x 18 = Rs. 9,180.92.

Dynamic-compressionTo qualify for DB, all qualifiers must have a personal purchase of 40 PV. DB will be paid on all qualified Director groups. If your Direct Director downline has not qualified, then the PGPV of non-qualified Directors is clubbed down till a qualified Director irrespective of their level. The clubbing is done top down.Fast Start Bronze DirectorIf you achieve 7,501 PV in a single business month, you qualify as a Fast Start Bronze Director. This entitled you to 20% performance bonus and Director bonus

4. Leadership Overriding Bonus  15%
Leadership overriding bonus (LOB) is payable to Silver Directors and above. The percentage of the LOB depends on the position. To qualify for LOB all qualifiers must have a personal purchase of 40 PV and 5,625 GPV excluding personal purchase of 40 PV. 5,625 GPV has to come from a single downline group.

If your Director downline does not have a GPV of 5,625 then GPV of qualified/ unqualified directors is rolled up till 5,625 GPV is achieved. LOB is also based on point value system and then value of the point is determined according to the formula shown on the right -

The LOB is calculated as per the table shown belo
There is a “minimum guarantee” of at least 5,625 PV. In case your PGPV is not 5,625 the difference is rolled up to the next qualified Director from the points collected by you.

5. Travel Fund (TF) 3%
Vestige provides a Travel Fund (TF) to Silver Directors and above. The TF allocates 3% of company's monthly total PV and is computed by a "Point sharing System" based on the Travel Fund points earned by the qualifiers. TF value per point will vary each business month and is computed monthly as per the formula shown below :

3% of total Company’s monthly PV
Total Travel Fund points collected
= TF PointV  alue

6. Car Fund (CF) 5%

Vestige provides a generous Car Fund (CF) to Star Directors and above. The CF allocates 5% of company's monthly total PV and is computed by a "Point sharing System" based on the Car Fund points earned by the qualifiers. CF value per point will vary each business month and is computed monthly as per the formula shown below:
5% of total Company’s monthly PV
Total CF points collected
CF Point Value

7. House Fund (HF) 3%
 Vestige provides a generous House Fund (HF) to Crown Directors and above. The HF allocates 3% of company's total PV and is computed by a "Point Sharing System" based on the House Fund points collected by the respective qualifiers. HF value per point will vary each business month and is com-puted monthly as per the formula shown below :

3% of total Company’s monthly PV
Total HF points collected
= HF Point Value

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