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Thursday, January 28, 2021

Vestige Ayusante Products - Respocare, Liver Health, Kidney Health, Glucohealth, Procard, Toxclean.

Ayurveda is the Original form of

Ayurveda - India's contribution to mankind in its quest towards human longevity and well being - has been developed through millennia of medical practice and theory by several generations of physician-saints and practitioners. Ayurveda is a 5000-year-old wellness practice, much before the western world even started talking about wellness.

The same concept is envisaged in the following stanza by Susruta in 1000 BC.

Vestige Ayusante Products - Respocare, Liver Health, Kidney Health, Hlucohealth, Procard, Toxclean.

Different Body Types
As per Ayurveda


A person with a predominance of Vata dosha moves swiftly with a lean body. Vata predominance means that these qualities will be well expressed in one's mental, emotional and physical attitude. .As compared to the predominance of Pitta or Kapha dosha, a person with Vata dosha will have cold and dry skin. Vatas tend to have energetic and creative minds but can be indecisive at times. As long as Vata is in balance, the person will be dynamic and enthusiastic. However, if their constitution goes out of balance through excessive movement or irregularity they can suffer from feelings of restlessness, boredom, fear, stress and insomnia. This may manifest in the body as poor circulation, constipation, dry skin, cold hands and feet.


A person with a predominance of Kapha dosha in their the constitution has well built, broad and heavier body frame with a steady walk. Kaphas are naturally thoughtful, composed and patient than either Pitta or Vata. Kapha predominance is reflected in both strengths and weaknesses of a person. They are caring, loving, forgiving individuals with a placid and easy-going nature. They have strong, solid bodies but can suffer from weight gain, lethargy and heaviness when they are out of balance.


People with more Pitta in their constitution are of a medium frame with sharp minds and intellect. This dynamic personality has lots of energy, high ambitions, and good leadership qualities. When in balance, Pittas have a lustrous complexion, perfect digestion, abundant energy, and a strong appetite. However, if they go out of balance and their innate 'fire' becomes too high they can quickly become angry, stressed and frustrated. They generally have strong digestive fire and immune system but when they slip out of balance they can develop rashes, ulcers, acid stomachs and heart problems.

Vestige ayusante Products List.

ayusante Inspired by Ayurveda, Powerd by Science

Helath is a state of complete mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease. Definition of health by the World Health Organization [WHO]

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